News Even more environmentally friendly heating with Rüegg Violino Tunnel

Rüegg Violino tunnel 55x73 with catalytic converter

Rüegg Violino tunnel 55x73 with catalytic converter

Thanks to careful development and a series of optimisations, Rüegg is now launching the second-generation of this model, which is not only environmentally friendly but also efficient. The new Violino Tunnel 55x73 with catalytic converter in the second-generation achieves an impressive rated heat output of 9.4 Kw and therefore offers excellent energy efficiency. The rated heat output of the first-generation model was 12.1 Kw.

Compared to the other models, such as the Violino Tunnel 55x98 in the first-generation with an output of 9.5 Kw and the Violino Tunnel 45x80 in the first-generation with an output of 8.8 Kw, the Violino Tunnel 55x73 in the second-generation represents an optimum balance between size and output.

The introduction of catalytic converter in the second-generation underlines our commitment to environmentally friendly heating solutions.

Catalytic converter from Rüegg Cheminée Schweiz AG

The catalytic converter is our latest achievement and guarantees even more environmentally friendly combustion. It reduces pollutants in the exhaust gas (e.g. ensures lower CO values) and contributes to even more efficient combustion.

  • Catalytic converters reduce CO, CnHm, VOC and dust.

  • They are stable at high temperatures and can permanently withstand an operating temperature of 700°C.
  • Catalytic converters are stable over the long term.

  • Our catalytic converters are integrated into the furnace and are therefore part of the furnace

  • They are easy to clean. Cleaning and maintenance are described in a separate operating manual.

  • They are an economical way of significantly reducing emissions from wood firing systems.

Click here for the Violino 55x73 Tunnel